The valentine’s day is celebrated all around the world as a day to communicate the love of the person whom they wish to be with for the rest of their life. It is the day when most of the unmarried men propose to their partner. It is a tradition, not only on valentine’s day but also on any occasion to gift a ring along with the proposal. Traditionally, people preferred a heart shaped diamond ring for the proposal on such day but now the trend has changed. Now, most of the valentines day engagement rings are of an eternal design because it has more significance than a normal heart shaped ring.
The History
The eternal rings share a similar history of that of a traditional wedding band. It originated from an Egyptian belief that the ring finger of a person has a vein that directly connects the ring to the heart and it will bind the person in the relationship till the end. What makes an eternal band different from a wedding band is that, a wedding band is a metal ring with no stone while an eternal band is fixed with diamonds of the same size and cut all around the ring.
The Significance
Even though an eternal band shares the same history as that of a wedding band, the meaning of both rings is entirely different. The wedding band denotes the strength and the depth of the bond between people in their married life. It symbolizes that the two people will be bound forever in their life. an eternal ring is mostly offered during a proposal because it symbolizes that their love will last for an eternity. It also means that the relation between those two people will always be elegant and beautiful like the stones affixed on an eternal ring.
The Styles
Traditionally an eternal ring was a metal ring surrounded by several round cut diamonds of the same size. But now there are several models of eternity rings are available in the market. There are not only variants with other than round cut diamonds but also single rings with multiple shapes and sizes of stones. The eternal bands with colored diamonds are also common in the market.
While choosing the diamond valentines day engagement rings, an eternity ring is one of the best options because it is unique and it symbolizes what a person would like to communicate with their partner during such an occasion.