Taking Better Care Of Your Diamonds

1 Carat Diamond Ring
Loose Diamonds
Loose Diamonds

Diamonds are prized possessions that increase the value of your jewelry and earn you the admiration of many. They stand out among all the precious metal jewelry you can have and is much of a treasure that you hand over across the generations. What many don’t realize is that, owning a diamond is only half the work done and failing to maintain it well will compromise on its natural shine and brilliance. When it comes to diamonds, you have a variety of options and loose diamonds is a popular choice. You can buy loose diamonds and design your own diamond jewelry by selecting a metal of your choice.

Here are some of the tips that help you maintain your diamonds better and look its best.

Avoid Frequent Handling of Your Diamonds

When you use diamond jewelry all the time, the grease and chemicals from your fingers will stick on them making them look dirty. Some of the chemicals are corrosive in nature and increase the possibility of the damage of diamonds as well as the metal used in the jewelry in the long run. Make sure you don’t expose the diamonds to chemicals contained in shampoo, sunscreens, moisturizers and various other skin and hair products.

Make Sure You Handle the Diamonds Gently

It is an undisputed fact that diamond is the hardest natural substance but that does not mean it is immune to cracks and chips that can damage the stone. It is not a good idea to wear diamond jewelry while you work out the gym, play a sport, or do housework. Keep in mind that the materials that come in contact with the diamond also get damaged.

Avoid Wearing Diamonds While in Pools or at the Beach

The chemicals like chlorine and bromine in swimming pools can damage the diamonds and while you are taking a dip in the pool, avoid wearing diamond jewelry. The wave action in the sea is strong enough to pull out the diamond jewelry from your body and there are hardly any chances of getting it back. When it comes in contact with the beach sand the metal part gets scratches that increase the chance of the stone getting dislodged.

Keep Diamonds Away From Other Jewelry

There is no doubt that diamonds deserve a special place in your jewelry box not simply because of its value and elegance but by taking into the account the possibility that diamonds can cause scratches on the jewelry kept  with it. Keep the diamonds in a separate jewelry box and for each piece of diamond jewelry, allot individual compartments.

Unless you take adequate care in maintaining your diamonds, the chances of them retaining the inherent brilliance and glow are quite low.

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