Famous Blue Diamonds in the World

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Colors always have a relation to some emotional attributes. When it comes to the color blue, it signifies trust, serenity, and intelligence. If you are going into the scientific part of this theory it may become somewhat complex. However, according to most of the people, they regard the color blue as a dominant color. This is actually true with regard to diamonds also. A lot of scientific debates are going on about how diamonds got its blue color. For a gemstone to exhibit a blue color it must have some traces of boron within it.

Diamonds for centuries has been famous for its beauty and was popular among people who were really able to afford this stone. People either choose to buy a diamond band or find loose diamonds separately for fixing it on their ring.  Most of the people are attracted to buying colored diamonds. Furthermore, when you take blue colored diamonds to the concern, they really had a long history of fame and recognition.

The Blue Heart

The blue heart diamond was discovered from South Africa’s Premier mine. Finding the origins of this diamond was actually a difficult process. It was the scientists from the Smithsonian Institution’s Natural History Museum who suggested this diamond to be from South Africa. This diamond was found in 1908, within two years since the stone was discovered, Mrs. Unzue bought this magnificent diamond from Cartier. This incredible diamond had a carat weight of 30.62 carats, which made the stone the largest of all heart-shaped diamonds that was found in the world. The diamond was given a clarity grade of VS-2 (very slight inclusions). This diamond is supposed to be the most beautiful diamonds in the world.

The Blue Moon

This awesome 12.03-carat diamond was sold in 2015 in an auction for around $48 million. This means that the diamond had a worth of $4 million for each carat, which makes the blue moon diamond counted in the list of the most expensive diamonds in the world. In 2014, this diamond was found from the Premier mine located in South Africa.  One of the most attractive features of this diamond was that it exhibited the highest color grading that was ever seen in blue diamonds.  From this, it is clear that the diamond was completely free from scratches and inclusions. In addition, the GIA gave this diamond the perfect clarity grade for its internally flawless structure.

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