Alternatives to Buying an Engagement Ring

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Engagement Ring Tips

Buying an engagement ring can be a challenging task for many people because of its high costs. However, most people think that an engagement would be complete in itself without an engagement ring. The majority of people consider a diamond ring as inevitable. On the other hand, there are some people, especially the youth who think that an engagement ring is not a necessity for engagement. They prefer to go for some alternatives which are more affordable than a diamond ring.

Here are some of the cost-effective alternatives for buying an engagement ring.

Choose an Antique Ring

If you love things of the old, this is the best option before you. Every antique piece will have a story to tell. They feature unique gemstones and possess settings, which may not necessarily be used today. Using such a jewelry piece for your engagement will make you stand out in the crowd. You can find good collections of antique rings in the jewelry stores. When a jewelry piece is said to be antique by the jeweler, it means that the piece is from before the 1950s. Those jewelry pieces from after the 1950s are called vintage, and the outdated ones are called retro.

However, be mindful to get an appraisal certificate while you purchase an antique ring.

Choose a Used Ring

Used rings are available on online auction sites, indoor yard sale groups, etc. The main advantage of buying a used ring is that you can get the ring for a discounted price. There are so many reasons why people sell used rings. In some cases where the engagement did not work out, the ring might be put on sale. Or else, some might sell it for earning some money. Whatever be the cause, make sure that you receive an appraisal certificate when you buy the used ring.

Choose Some Other Gemstones

There are many other gemstones, which you may use instead of the usual diamonds. This can reduce the amount you spent on the jewelry for your engagement. You may choose moissanite, white sapphire or even cubic zirconia, instead of a diamond. All these are gemstones look like a diamond in their outward appearance.

There are many other alternatives like choosing to use a family heirloom or using a lab-created diamond. You may also go gem free by using a simple ring that does not feature any gemstone on it. Whatever be the alternative you choose, make sure that your purchase is verified and authentic.

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