Interesting Facts about Diamonds and Their Colors

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Interesting Diamond Facts

Diamonds are some of the most fascinating objects in existence. There are many interesting facts about diamonds that could make them even more loveable. Below are some of the salient features of diamonds explained.

Diamonds and Their Color

Diamonds at its purest state are colorless. The more colorless they are, the higher their price tends to be. Colorlessness is considered typical of diamonds. However, there is an exception when the diamonds are so intensely colored that they stand out. These are termed as fancy colored diamonds. Price of these diamonds is extremely high due to their rarity.

The reason behind the color is the presence of impurities. Various substances add different colors to the diamonds. For instance, the presence of boron in traces among the crystal structure of diamonds gives rise to blue color, whereas if nitrogen was trapped in the diamond structure, we get yellowish diamonds. When there are defects in these structures, you find brownish yellow diamonds.

Green diamonds are formed in the diamonds when they are exposed to radiation among the rocks. Due to the radiation, crystal defects are formed in the diamonds. These defects trap electrons, which interact with the incident radiation. This causes the green color in large loose diamonds. Since the radiation does not usually penetrate the body, green color stays on the surface. Diamonds with entire body coated in green are very rare.

Red diamonds and the whole spectrum of reddish shaded diamonds are formed as a result of mechanical defects in the stone’s structure. When the diamonds are pushed upwards through the rocks, they undergo stresses of different kinds. This results in the formation of various defects. These defects, when exposed to the light, display the striking red color. These diamonds also produce pinkish to brown colors.

Synthetically Produced Diamonds

Diamonds are produced nowadays in a lab under controlled settings too. These laboratories mimic the conditions of the mantle of the Earth with high temperature and pressure. The presses in the lab are fed the carbon raw material and the catalyst required to trigger the crystal growth. The diamonds may take days or weeks to grow depending on the presses.

Diamonds can be grown in laboratories in varying sizes, although they usually make 1 to 2 carat diamond loose stone only. However, any desired color and shape can be produced in a lab with the help of sophisticated and advanced technologies.

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