A lot of people prefer to purchase loose diamonds and mount them later on a setting instead of getting a pre-made ring. By choosing toRead More
A lot of people prefer to purchase loose diamonds and mount them later on a setting instead of getting a pre-made ring. By choosing toRead More
Estate jewelry refers to used jewelry that is quite a few years older. A lot of people now prefer to get estate jewelry because ofRead More
Due to their adaptable design and high brilliance, the majority of people pick round brilliant diamonds when they buy loose diamonds. Nevertheless, you can chooseRead More
We all know that the round cut is one of the most popular diamond cuts among people. Other than round cut, people prefer oval cut,Read More
Whether you buy loose diamonds or diamond jewelry, it should be taken care of properly. When you wear diamond rings often, there will be aRead More
The popularity of a radiant cut diamond is rising day by day and many people are considering this diamond for their engagement ring these days.Read More
A lot of people buy loose diamonds as an investment or to mount on jewelry in the future. When you buy loose diamonds, it isRead More
When you buy loose diamonds, you may also have to think about how to keep them safe. People usually buy expensive jewelry without giving muchRead More
Buying diamond jewelry is always hard. Be it a gift or to get engaged, finding the right diamond ring is always difficult if you doRead More
Before you buy loose diamonds, it is important to do thorough research beforehand, especially about their source. Also, you must buy certified stones as theyRead More